Family Information

Policies and Statements

A comprehensive list of policies and statements are available through the school office with key policies as published on the school website. Many of the policies and procedures relating to St Aloysius school are provided by DOBCEL. St Aloysius’ communicates new and revised public policies via the website and school newsletter. St Aloysius’ leadership review and approve internal management policies and procedures on a regular basis.

Parent Access Module (PAM)

The Parent Access Module (PAM) provides you with information related to your child including attendance records and student reports. You can view and download your child’s school reports.

You can use PAM to notify the school office of student absences and to book scheduled Parent Teacher Interviews.



The School Newsletter is a weekly communication between home and school. The Newsletter provides our Principal’s message to our school community each week, as well as special events and school activities, letting you know what is happening each week and what is coming up. Our Newsletter is a celebration of our learning.  The Newsletter is published each Wednesday via our website and Skoolbag app. A printed Newsletter can  be obtained from the school office on request.

School Uniform 

Summer Uniform

      Girls                                                           Boys

      Summer Dress – as prescribed                    Gold Short Sleeve Polo Top

      White Socks                                               Navy Shorts

      Shoes – Black                                             Navy Socks

      School Jumper                                            Shoes - Black

      Navy Broad-brimmed hat                            School Jumper                                                                                                                                               

Winter Uniform

      Girls                                                          Boys

      Winter Tunic – as prescribed                         

      Gold Long Sleeved Polo Top                           Gold Long Sleeved Polo Top

      Navy Tights                                                  Navy Socks

      Shoes – Black                                               Shoes - Black

      School Jumper                                              School Jumper

      Gabardine Pants – Navy                                 Gabardine Pants – Navy

      School Coat or Vest                                       School Coat or Vest

Sports Uniform

      Girls                                                                 Boys

      Navy Shorts                                                     Navy Shorts

      Sneakers                                                         Sneakers

      Sports Polo Top                                                Sports Polo Top

      Rugby Top                                                       Rugby Top

School Hat – St Aloysius’ Broad Brimmed Hat

      In line with our SunSmart policy a broad brimmed hat is compulsory for outdoor play and must be worn when the UV index reaches 3 or higher.

Sun protection times - a forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology for the time-of-day UV levels are predicted to reach 3 or higher (when sun protection is         recommended for all skin types). In Victoria, UV levels typically reach 3 or higher daily from mid-August to the end of April

No jewellery to be worn except for studs for pierced ears.

Student may wear a watch; however, any smart watches must be handed into the school office on arrival for safe keeping during the day.


Uniform Supplier - Beleza

School Uniform items including the school broad brimmed hat can be purchased from Beleza, located at 22 Doveton Street South, Ballarat

Enquiries please phone (03) 5332 4320

School Advisory Council

At St Aloysius School the School Advisory Council, and members of our ‘SAC’ play a vital role in the life of our school community, in that, it is essential that parents are given voice in the future direction of the education of their children’s school.
The active School Advisory Council at St Aloysius School provides an avenue for genuine consultation with our school community and enriches the relationship between home and school.

The School Advisory Council is formed to support the principal in the management of the school. This Committee operates for the educational benefit of the students of St Aloysius’ Primary School and the school community.

The School Advisory Council aims to meet at least once per  term, and some of the tasks of the Committee are:

  • Assisting in the implementation of School Policies in conjunction the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Ltd (DOBCEL).
  • Being updated on the school budget and the supervision of the school’s financial operation.
  • Planning for the future building and maintenance programs and ensuring that the school can accommodate enrolments.
  • Working in collaboration with the Parents and Friends Association.
  • Planning for the future and ensuring that the school can accommodate enrolments
  • Working in collaboration with the Parents and Friends Association
  • Managing the upkeep of grounds and maintenance in the school
  • Assisting with promotion of the school and of  Catholic Education in the community
  • Assisting in fulfilling the commitment to whole school improvement of educational outcomes,  school resources and infrastructure to meet the learning needs of the students
  • Engaging parents on the life of the school and education of their child
  • Supporting good governance in the decision making process of the school, where input, feedback and consultation with the school community is actively sought

Parents and Friends

Parents and Friends are an essential part of our school community at St Aloysius.
The Parents and Friends perform vital roles in the school; 

  • Promotion of the school community by arranging appropriate functions where all members of the school can meet together socially building our sense of community.
  • Organisation of fundraising efforts which provide funding at the local school contribution level.
  • Provide avenues of support for families in times of need.

All parents are invited to become members of the formal Parents and Friends' Association.

For further information please contact our P&F President through the school office 

Annual Report

The Annual Report always reflects the previous year's information.

This booklet is downloadable as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Please consider the environment before printing.

Fee Information

“We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.”

School Fees 2025

Annual Tuition Fee - $ 1000.00 per family
Capital Fee - $ 330.00 per family
Maintenance Levy - $ 50.00 per family 

Student Levy - $350.00 per students

Parent-Teacher-Child Interviews and Student Reports

Parent/Teacher/Child interviews will be shared throughout the course of the school year. Student Led Conferences empower students to set goals and to be able to articulate what it is they are learning and

how they learn, these important meetings take place in Term 3.

This is a wonderful way for parents to see how far your child has come as they work through the years.

Formal reporting procedures will be undertaken at appropriate stages during the year including regular additions to the children’s Learning Journals and through the mid-year and end of year reports. St Aloysius currently uses the ‘Simon’ program for formal school reports.

Please note: A parent or a teacher may request an interview any time throughout the year at a mutually convenient time to share concerns or celebrations. Keeping the lines of communication open helps to support your child, especially if they encounter any challenges they are unable to manage.

After School Care

Students can access before and after school care at St Aloysius’. Parents register their child on a daily or regular basis with Delacombe After School Care and a minibus picks the children up immediately after school from our front entrance. A school staff member will escort your child to the bus where they are checked off and taken to After School Care. The school office can assist you with further details.

We currently have Kelly Sports running at school on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. This is a great way for students to get a little more physical development and gives parents a bit of time after school for other tasks.

Kelly sports commences straight after school and concludes at 4.55 pm.